Our promotions or discounts can vary. Using our loyalty cards are best way to get those automatically.
Yes. We have enough washers and dryers to do all of your laundry in one hour. You can sort and clean them in the various machine sizes and loads. Keeping load to the correct level will ensure your clothes are clean.
No. All Washing and Drying machines can be activated using our laundry card similar to a gift card. However, a change machine is available if you prefer to use coins. Our large washing machines are strictly Card activated due to the large amount of coins needed and to make it convenient for you.
No. However, you can reuse the laundry card as many times as you like. There is no laundry card expiration and you can add more funds to the card in dollar increments.
If you register your laundry card we can issue a new laundry card with the last balance of your lost laundry card minus $1.00 Fee for the new card. You may register your card by signing up at https://m.fascard.com . Click on the Signup button.